Conivr WTF:
Our mission is to build a better free-er-er social platform where our data is protected the way it should be.
Here's how it works...
- Privacy Always Comes First
- Self-cleaning: most content, with some exceptions, will automatically delete after about a month.
- Popular posts will stay alive as long as they continue to receive comments / likes etc.
- It takes 2 clicks to delete your account and all of your data.
- Invite only to keep out the riffraff.
- I only want the people who make the world a better place. People who can take a joke, people who know how to punch up not down.
- Absolutely no y o u k n o w w h o. Seriously. You know who they are. Just don’t invite them.
- 18 and up. Fully potty trained adults only.
- AI content moderation
- Dislikes. Voting down comments to suppress carefully hidden hate speech or false preaching.
- Users are ranked and those at the top have higher weight towards suppressing content.
- Points! Literally the best way to separate winners from losers, right? Lol. No one cares. They’re meaningless, but still. Check that score.
- You get points for adding a photo, posting, liking, commenting. You’ll get points when other people like your posts and comments.
- You lose a lot of points fast when you get downvoted.
- **This is a little buggy still. Sorry.
- Community and content policies. TLDR: don’t be an asshole.